The water environment problems of evaluation and protection

The water environment problems of evaluation and protection

O publikacji

O publikacji

Edited by Kazimierz H. Dyguś

Wyd.: 2011


The monograph presented, The water environment. Problems of evaluation and protection, contains 30 papers regarding the first assessment of the aquatic environment and its protection in Poland, the Ukraine and Russia. Good water quality in the natural environment is a guarantee of the proper functioning of the ecosystems, whilst satisfying human needs. In the first chapter of the monograph, Evaluation of the water environment, it is the water quality that is explicitly taken into account.

The articles enclosed here, are concerned mainly with: the causes and effects of eutrophication, the role of politics, the river basin, problems regarding catchment policy, the problem of disposal of pollutants into water, the accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s), and those of poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s) in rivers. In addition, the model for the transfer of pollution in the aquatic environment was presented. Also, the concentration of heavy metals in river sediments and fluvial deposit, was also evaluated. For a reliable evaluation of the aquatic environment, efficient, reliable and innovative tools and methods are needed.

Articles contained in chapter two of the book – The monitoring of water – contains examples involving the use of modern methods and research tools in the assessment of the aquatic environment. The authors of the paper present a method of: integral index ITS (Index of Trophical State) to assess the trophic status of water, water pollution monitoring capabilities using parameters of conductivity and the temperature of water, monitoring of water bodies using light flying devices, as well as a controversial method for evaluating the properties of water using acoustic measurements involving the use of dissolved NaCl crystals. Noteworthy is some research published, which gives the tools for laboratory quality control assessment of the state of the aquatic environment. There are many natural systems dependent on water, which determine and sustain life on earth. These are mainly wetlands and other hydrogenic ecosystems.

A further, third chapter (Evaluation of the natural environment), focuses on the problems and risks, along with the problem of the protection and regeneration of natural resources associated with water. The sources and threats of aquatic abiotic factors and biotic factors are also shown. Furthermore, the need for the revitalization of contaminated water treatment is also identified.