FAQ Microsoft Teams

FAQ Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is part of the Office365 suite for Universities. In order to organize/participate in classes prepared at WSEiZ, both the student and the teacher must have a university account in Office365, which is assigned to an email address in the form of name.lastname@wseiz.edu.pl.

  • We log in here:
  • Your login is name.lastname@wseiz.edu.pl.
  • Your password was sent to you by WSEiZ IT Support Department.
  • From the menu on the left, select MS TEAMS application.

You can use the MS TEAMS application through your browser, but the most convenient way is to install the application, which you can download here:

The presenters at WSEiZ, Ms. Marta Skierniewska and Katarzyna Skroban, have prepared an instruction manual for planning and conducting classes.

The presenters at WSEiZ, Ms. Marta Skierniewska and Katarzyna Skroban, have prepared an instruction manual for communicating with students.