Scholarship Opportunity in Baku! Join Us at Hilton Hotel on May 25th!

Are you passionate about pursuing higher education in Europe? Dreaming of a rewarding career in engineering, management, or architecture? Look no further! The *University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw* invites talented individuals from Azerbaijan to participate in our exclusive scholarship test.

*Event Details:*

- *Date*: May 25, 2024
- *Time*: it will be sent by email soon.
- *Venue*: Hilton Hotel Baku

*Why Attend?*

  1. *Scholarship Opportunities*: We are offering scholarships for all our bachelor, master and foundation programs from 10% up to 100%.
  2.  *Meet Our Experts*: Interact with our faculty members and get insights into our curriculum, research opportunities, and career prospects.
  3. *Application Assistance*: Learn about admission procedures, faculty selection, and financial aid options.
  4. *Explore Warsaw*: Discover the vibrant city of Warsaw, known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and thriving academic environment.


Don’t miss this chance to kickstart your academic journey!
Register now and secure your spot.

For more information, feel free to contact
Said Aliyev, our official representative, at +48 793 549 060
or Rashad Abbaszade at +994 77 382 1532 in Azerbaijan.


Register now